We’ve been teaching teens about their bodies and God’s design for love, sex, and relationships since 2016.


Flourish Kenya is now conducting SRH Education sessions in 50 upper primary and secondary schools throughout Transmara-west.



Our custom, evidence-based Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) Education Curriculum is relevant to the Kenyan adolescent experience and respects beneficial cultural and church values.

Our curriculum follows the Kenya Ministry of Health and Ministry of Education guidelines for school curriculum. It has been developed with oversight from expert nurses, educators, and pastors over several years of research and live practice. This unique, hybrid curriculum combines the scientific knowledge of anatomy, physiology, and developmental psychology with a spiritual, social, and emotional understanding of all aspects of adolescence and sexuality.

We are confident that combining the elements of truth and grace is key in delivering education that will dismantle cycles of harm against children in rural Kenya. We pair science, data, and evidence-based practice with salvation, forgiveness, and protection.


On average, girls miss 3-7 days of school per month due to a lack of access to menstrual hygiene products.

Providing girls with sanitary napkins is a key part of our educational program and a draw for girls to attend our sessions. Our distribution efforts have provided teens with more than 4,000 packets of sanitary napkins and more than 300 handmade reusable pad kits!

Our education program is a multi-faceted, ongoing, and long-term prevention strategy that will eradicate FGM, child marriage, and GBV, and end the teen pregnancy epidemic.

So, what happens when a teen encounters Flourish Kenya in their school, church, or community?

  • They understand how their body is changing and that what they are experiencing is normal.

  • They learn the science of hormones and why they feel the way they do.

  • They find that the gender-based violence they have seen at home is not normal or right and decide to end that kind of generational trauma in their future family.

  • They get the details of what FGM is, why it’s harmful, the future risks, and what to do if they are feeling forced to participate.

  • They discover that love was God’s idea and that He has a plan for how a loving relationship in marriage can reflect the Gospel to the world.

  • They connect with our facilitators for mentoring, relational discipleship, and a trustworthy place to go in a crisis.

  • They gain access to other life-shaping and potentially life-saving activities through our community advocacy programs.

They become part of a generation with the knowledge and tools to make healthy life choices.